Easy Ways To Prevent Termites From Spreading In Your Home

Have you ever experienced a situation where you have seen small piles of wooden dust gathered beneath your sofa? If yes, then let us tell you that it is a result of pest infestation. This happens when they enter the house you live in and start feeding on the foundation, or furniture of the house. It is quite hard to get rid of them as they are extremely tiny in size.

It is even more tough to detect them as they do not become evident until they have done considerable damage. However, carrying out frequent inspections of the house can help determine the presence of termites and even ward off any probable chances of termite infestation. Here in this guide, we have provided ways to prevent termites from spreading.

1.      Eliminate Moisture

One main reason behind the attraction of all forms of pests, even termites, is moisture. The presence of moisture is not only bad for the interior of the house but it also serves as a breeding ground for the termites. In case the area you live in has a humid environment, then it’s better to invest in a dehumidifier. In summer, the best option is to keep the cooling unit AC in good condition and turn it on periodically during the day to maintain a good cool temperature inside the house.

2.      Fix Leaks

You must pay strict attention to all the leaks inside the house. The decay in the house in the form of decayed roofs and moisture-filled walls serves as a perfect host for the termites. Moreover, it is better to fix all the leakages. This can be done if you perform regular inspections too frequently.

For residential termite control, the basements and dingy corners of the house must never be neglected. As such spots are the first point of attraction for the pests. Moreover, any leakages in the basement area are another attractive place as it is near to the ground and an easier place for the termites to attack.

3.      Declutter Your House

No matter if you have hired a professional or invested in some sort of bug treatment to get rid of the termites, it is always a good idea to involve yourself in the decluttering drive of the house. Get rid of all the useless items, useless papers, cardboard, newspapers, and old magazines.

Such items provide the best environment for pests like termites to flourish. In case the room you live in is infested with termites then never place the furniture placed in that room to any other part of the house which is not affected in any way by the pests or termites.

4.      Maintain A Distance Between Soil and Wood

When you have a garden in the house then you must maintain a good distance between soil and wood. According to experts, the distance must be 18 inches at least. This distance assists in avoiding any attraction from termites to the foundation of the house as well as the furniture. Moreover, you can also use stones to separate soil from the wooded area.

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