Embryo Implantation Failure: Causes And Solutions

Embryo implantation failure or IVF refers to a process in which an embryo that is grown in the lab is placed into the womb of a woman. The womb or uterus of a woman contains this embryo and it is called embryo transfer. 

Pregnancy is the result of the continuous growth and development of the embryo after its attachment to the uterus wall. Sometimes the implantation of an embryo fails to occur. 

We commonly use the term repeated implantation failure if this process occurs during three to more IVF cycles. Couples and women who have IVF can be frustrated from repeated implantation failure. 

There are different ways to enhance the success of embryo transfer. It is associated with the cause of embryo implantation failure.

Common Causes That Lead To Repeated Implantation Failure

Factors associated with one or two parents can be associated with repeated implantation failure. Doctors use many tests to investigate the possible causes.

Quality Of Sperm Or Egg

For a healthy embryo, high-quality sperm and egg are necessary ingredients. Always remember that healthy embryos have good chances of implantation in the area of the womb. That’s why it is important to use high-quality sperms and eggs during IVF.

Many factors can decrease the quality of sperm and eggs. Age has a major role in the quality of eggs. Once a woman reaches the age above 30 or 35, the quality of the egg can decline. 

It means if eggs are collected from the woman of older age, it is possible that successful implantation may not occur in the wall of the womb. Sperm defects play an essential role in recurrent implantation failure. Any damage to the genetic material of sperm is called DNA fragmentation.

It usually affects embryo development and the likelihood of implantation. Aging and certain factors of lifestyle like overweight, smoking, and alcohol consumption can damage the DNA present in both eggs and sperm. 

Chromosomal Anomalies Can Occur In The Embryo

Variations that occur to chromosomes inside the area of the embryo are one of the major causes that leads to recurrent implantation failure. Chromosomes can be defined as egg special structures that are present inside the cell. These structures contain DNA.

Normally, 23 DNA-housing chromosomes are present in each sperm and egg. During fertilization, these all 23 passed from both parents. The total number of chromosomes become 46. During an embryo generation, a chromosomal error can appear.

It includes abnormalities in different chromosomes including structural alterations that can affect the chromosomal size. Genetic material that is present in the area of the embryo can also be increased. Female age is the major contributing factor to the anomalies of chromosomes in the embryo.

Uterus Environment

Biological alterations must occur in the endometrium in order to implant an embryo in the uterus successfully. To prepare a healthy embryo, the endometrium becomes thick and responsive to certain potential implantation by the embryo.

Many conditions can lead to scarring and inflammation like adenomyosis, fibroids, endometriosis, polyps, and hydrosalpinges. These conditions can affect the uterine environmental structure.

Medical Conditions

Certain lifestyle and health factors from both parents can affect the success of an embryo transfer. In mothers, certain health conditions like endocrine disorders, diabetes, thyroid diseases, and autoimmune disorders can create a problem.

These conditions can block the interaction that occurs between endometrium and embryo. In addition, smoking, alcohol consumption, and certain other modifiable lifestyle factors can cause recurrent implantation failure.

Improving Embryo Transfer

An embryo transfer method is designed in order to protect the embryo. It helps to reach an embryo to its destination. A gentle tube refers to a catheter work to provide a pathway from the incubator to the area of the uterus from the embryo.

Doctors use ultrasound imaging and they make sure that accurate placement of the embryo occurs. They put the embryo in a specific substance before placement that is called EmbryoGlue. It helps to boost the probability of implantation of the embryo into the uterus.

A compound is normally present in the uterus that EmbryoGlue contains. This compound is called hyaluronan. It helps the embryo to attach to the uterus wall.

If the failure of embryo transfer occurs several times, doctors recommend further testing and some additional treatments for the successful implantation of the embryo. They may use IMSI and HA ICSI AND PGT. Your doctor can also give you treatment to reduce inflammation.

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